There are lots of excellent tools to help web developers optimise their websites.
Here are two simple things you have no excuse for overlooking on your next project.
HTML, XML, Javascript and CSS files
One of the easiest ways to speed up a website (often to a surprising degree) is to turn on compression of plaintext content through facilities like mod_deflate or the Gzip Module.
Here's the Apache configuration file I normally use:
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/css text/javascript text/xml application/x-javascript application/javascript
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
BrowserMatch "MSIE 6" no-gzip dont-vary
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip
As far as images go, the following tools will reduce file sizes through lossless compression (i.e. with no visual changes at all):
gifsicle -O2 -b image.gif
jpegoptim -p --strip-all image.jpg
optipng -o7 -q image.png
(An alternative to optipng is pngcrush.)
Note that the --strip-all
argument to jpegoptim will remove any EXIF/comments tags that may be present.
I've wondered before -- why not make this work the other way around, and keep compressed images on the website's hard drive, and expand them only when a browser can't handle it?
I'm sure this just shows my lack of intelligence in this area, though...
Try jpegtran instead jpegoptim:
jpegtran -progressive -optimize -copy none orig.jpg > jpegtran.jpg
$ sudo aptitude install libjpeg-progs